The Echo 100 is a select group of donors who pledge ongoing
financial commitment to Echo Theatre to actively promote our mission. Become an ADVENTURE Capitalist and invest in your future entertainment!
What's the minimum gift?
Echo 100 gifts begin at $100 a year for a minimum of three years and vary per household up to several thousand dollars per year. Our Goal this season is to reach ONE HUNDRED Echo 100 members by December 31. Can you help us get there?
How do I Join?
You may join at any time. Just click on the "Donate Now" button below and enter a gift amount of $100 or more. Make it an annual gift or check "Make This a Monthly Donation" and break it up into ongoing monthly gifts. Leave us a PayPal Note that you would like to become an Echo 100 Member and we'll welcome you to the group!
Invites to Opening Night Receptions to chat with the Show Creatives.
Enjoy reserved seating for Echo shows when you purchase tickets.
$15 ticket pricing for You and additional guests with your Echo 100 Discount.
Invitations to Company-Generated projects as they evolve.
Discounted tickets for Echo Writes: Creative Writing Workshops online.